From Warner Bros. Animation, the new "Looney Tunes Cartoons" TV series with 'Daffy Duck', 'Porky Pig, 'Foghorn Leghorn' and a whole lot more star in a fresh 'Back To School' special, streaming August 19, 2021 on HBO Max:
...'Daffy' learns that cheaters never prosper, 'Foghorn Leghorn' discovers the pencil is mightier than the sword and 'Beaky' masters how to be a better buzzard..."
Voice cast includes Eric Bauza ('Bugs Bunny'/'Daffy Duck'/'Tweety'/'Marvin the Martian'), Bob Bergen ('Porky Pig'), Jeff Bergman ('Elmer Fudd'/'Sylvester'), Fred Tatasciore ('Yosemite Sam'), Candi Milo ('Granny') and Michael Ruocco ('Beaky Buzzard').
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