Produced by Maggs, Shawn Doyle, Jill Knox-Gosse and Paul Pope cast includes Shawn Doyle, Tatiana Maslany, Jonny Harris, Andy Jones, Julia Kennedy and Sherry White.
"...Once a town hero, disgraced NHL star 'Ray' (Doyle) returns home to Newfoundland from the US following a drug conviction, only to have his wife 'Lillian' leave him for another man and aspirations of stardom. With Lillian gone, Ray flails from woman to woman trying to find a replacement for her. At loose ends for lack of guidance,Ray's daughter 'Ruby' (Maslany) is becoming increasingly curious about her own sexuality and, in a desperate plea for attention, puts herself in increasingly risky situations.
"...She begins spending more and more time with Ray's best friend 'Stuart' (Jonny Harris), confined to a wheelchair following an accident involving Ray. When Stuart finds himself attracted to Ruby, dangerously motivated by fear and anger, he leads the three of them towards a heartbreaking conclusion..."
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