Presentations were made to producers Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro.
PGA Award for Producer of the Year in Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures was won by Jonas Rivera for "Up".
PGA Award for Producer of the Year Award in Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures was given to Fisher Stevens and Paula DuPré Pesmen for "The Cove".
The Danny Thomas Producer of the Year Award in Episodic Television—Comedy
was won by Lorne Michaels, Tina Fey, Marci Klein, David Miner, Robert Carlock, Jeff Richmond, Don Scardino and Jerry Kupfer for "30 Rock".
The Norman Felton Producer of the Year Award in Episodic Television—Drama
was won by Matthew Weiner, Scott Hornbacher, Lisa Albert, and Andre & Maria Jacquemetton for "Mad Men".
The Producers Guild of America Producer of the Year Award in Non-Fiction Television went to Jeff Fager for "60 Minutes".
The PGA Award for Producer of the Year in Live Entertainment and Competition Television went to Stephen T. Colbert, "The Colbert Report".
The David L. Wolper Producer of the Year Award in Long-Form Television went to Lucy Barzun Donnelly, Rachael Horovitz, Michael Sucsy and David Coatsworth for "Grey Gardens"...
PGA Award for Producer of the Year in Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures was won by Jonas Rivera for "Up".
PGA Award for Producer of the Year Award in Documentary Theatrical Motion Pictures was given to Fisher Stevens and Paula DuPré Pesmen for "The Cove".
The Danny Thomas Producer of the Year Award in Episodic Television—Comedy
was won by Lorne Michaels, Tina Fey, Marci Klein, David Miner, Robert Carlock, Jeff Richmond, Don Scardino and Jerry Kupfer for "30 Rock".
The Norman Felton Producer of the Year Award in Episodic Television—Drama
was won by Matthew Weiner, Scott Hornbacher, Lisa Albert, and Andre & Maria Jacquemetton for "Mad Men".
The Producers Guild of America Producer of the Year Award in Non-Fiction Television went to Jeff Fager for "60 Minutes".
The PGA Award for Producer of the Year in Live Entertainment and Competition Television went to Stephen T. Colbert, "The Colbert Report".
The David L. Wolper Producer of the Year Award in Long-Form Television went to Lucy Barzun Donnelly, Rachael Horovitz, Michael Sucsy and David Coatsworth for "Grey Gardens"...