The Fox TV special, "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show" will air Sunday, Nov. 8, with live action from series creator/voice over artist Seth MacFarlane and co-star Alex Borstein, featuring the show's most popular musical numbers/comedy sketches, new animation sequences and celebrity guest appearances.
The 'variety show' will debut commercial-free, with sponsor Warner Bros promoting "Sherlock Holmes", directed by Guy "Snatch" Ritchie, opening December 25.
MacFarlane will also host spin-off series "American Dad" and "The Cleveland Show"...
The 'variety show' will debut commercial-free, with sponsor Warner Bros promoting "Sherlock Holmes", directed by Guy "Snatch" Ritchie, opening December 25.
MacFarlane will also host spin-off series "American Dad" and "The Cleveland Show"...
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Seth MacFarlane live in Vancouver...