Working Title Films will remake the Icelandic action thriller "Reykjavik-Rotterdam" as a potential star vehicle for actor/producer Mark "Max Payne" Wahlberg, based on a new script by Aaron "Prisoners" Guzikowski.
Other producers include Leverage's Stephen "Entourage" Levinson and Working Title's Tim Bevan/Eric Fellner.
Liza Chasin and Evan Hayes will executive produce.
"Reykjavik-Rotterdam", directed by Oskar Jonasson is Iceland's foreign-language submission for the 2010 Academy Awards.
The feature previously won five 'Edda' trophies @ the recent Icelandic film awards.
Premise of the film follows a fired ex-freight ship worker, let go for smuggling alcohol between Reykjavik and Rotterdam, who struggles as a security guard until a friend persuades him to get involved with another criminal enterprise...