Marvel Animation, a division of Marvel Entertainment, is starting production on "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes," for a television debut in 2011.
Based on the Marvel comic books, the new series will feature 'Iron Man', 'Captain America', 'Thor', 'Giant Man' and the 'Wasp'.
The TV broadcast debut will be timed to the theatrical release of Marvel's live-action movies "The First Avenger: Captain America" and "The Avengers", set to shoot at Raleigh Studios in California.
Marvel previously released two direct-to-DVD animated features based on the Avengers characters, including the 2006 releases "Ultimate Avengers" and "Ultimate Avengers II."
Marvel Animation's "Wolverine and the X-Men" and "Iron Man: Armored Adventures" will debut on Nicktoons in 2009...