“Uppercut” is a new German-produced live-action drama feature, written and directed by Torsten Rüther, starring Ving Rhames , Luise Großmann , Jordan Cooper , Joanna Cassidy,, Scott Monahan, Andrew Ibach, Lynn Favin, Manny Ayala, Jaime Wallace and Victor Plajas, releasing January 23, 2025 in theaters:
“…in “Uppercut”, in the make or break world of winners and losers, where bets are made by the young and the old, in smoky backrooms and online platforms like onlinecasinofinder.ca ...
"... follow ‘Toni’ and her journey from seeking boxing training from ‘Elliott’, a gym owner…
“..to becoming a pioneering female boxing manager…
“… guiding ‘Payne’ to a championship fight…
“…while drawing upon lessons learned from the knowledge, skills and courage of Elliott….”
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