Monday, September 23, 2024

“High Potemtial”

“High Potential” is a French-Belgian-produced crime-comedy TV series, created by Stéphane Carrié, Alice Chegaray-Breugnot and Nicolas Jean, starring Audrey Fleurot as a ‘highly gifted’ housekeeper, who goes to work for the police, now streaming on Hulu:

“…’Morgane’ is 38 years old and has 3 children from 2 ex-husbands. Alone, she has to manage her family life in difficult conditions. But she is highly gifted. She has an IQ of 160 and a good dose of insubordination. Her destiny as a housemaid is turned upside down when her extraordinary abilities are spotted by the Lille police, who offer her a job as a consultant. But Morgane has this problem with authority…”

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