The character was originally created as a man by illustrator/plotter Jack Kirby and writer Stan Lee, debuting in Marvel Comics’ “The Fantastic Four’ #48 (1966).
The ‘Silver Surfer’ is a humanoid alien with metallic skin who can travel through space with the aid of a surfboard-like craft. As a young astronomer named ‘Norrin Radd’ on the planet ‘Zenn-La’, Radd saved the homeworld from the planet devourer, ‘Galactus’, by serving as a ‘herald’.
Imbued with some portion of ‘Galactus' Power Cosmic’, Radd acquired a new body and a surfboard-like craft to travel faster than light.
Now known as the ‘Silver Surfer’, Radd roamed the cosmos searching for planets for Galactus to consume.
When travels took Radd to Earth, the ‘Fantastic Four’ helped Radd rediscover a nobility of spirit.
Betraying Galactus, the Surfer saved Earth but was exiled there as a punishment for his ‘crimes’.
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