There are high hopes for a streaming success with this new Brit-produced, 8-episode, live-action crime thriller TV series created by Paul Tomalin, based on the Vertigo graphic novel by Si Spencer...
...following four detectives, in four time periods, with four dead bodies - all set in London. Will it be a success or not ?
"Marco Polo"
"Marco Polo', set in the 13th century featured epic battles and beautiful landscapes. It aimed to be Netflix's answer to "Game of Thrones". But it had a few problems. For starters, it was expensive, costing $90 million per season.
But even with that budget, critics weren't thrilled and called it a visual feast with an empty core. The viewership wasn't big enough to justify the spending, so they pulled the plug after two seasons.
"Iron Fist"
Marvel ruled with a series of live-action comic book adaptations, including "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones". "Iron Fist" was thought to follow suit. But the storyline was weak, and it suffered from pacing problems.
Fans criticized the show for lacking depth in its characters and for not living up to the Marvel standard. After two disappointing seasons, it got the boot.
"Sense8" featured characters from across the globe, tackling social issues head-on, following the psychic connection of eight strangers 'birthed' by a woman called 'Angelica.
The eight discover they are a form of 'sensate' human beings who are mentally and emotionally linked, can sense and communicate with one another, and can share their knowledge, language and skills. But what we had here was "...a failure to communicate" and the series was dropped.
"A Series of Unfortunate Events"
Based on a popular children's book series, this show seeemed like it had all the ingredients for success. But it failed to create the buzz Netflix was hoping for.
It had a very specific, whimsical tone that didn't appeal to a broad audience.
The creators wrapped up the narrative in three seasons, making it more of a limited series than a failure, but it didn't set the streaming world on fire.
This was an ambitious project for Netflix, requiring many filming locations worldwide.
While it had a die-hard fanbase, the complicated storylines alienated some viewers. The production costs soared, and despite a fan petition to save it, the show had to say goodbye.
The series followed 'Sophia Amoruso', a young woman who turned her life around and became a millionaire. The show faced criticism right out of the gate.
Whether it was the unlikable main character, or the slow plot development, something just didn't resonate with viewers. Unlike the real-life success of its protagonist, it only lasted one season.
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