...featuring DC Comics 'Aquaman' (Marvin Miller) and his sidekick 'Aqualad' (Jerry Dexter), narrated by Ted Knight.
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold" (2008) featured superheroes coming together to foil a super villain...
....focusing on Batman's regular team-ups, noted as the first HD series produced by Warner Bros. Animation.
"Justice League" (2001) based on DC Comics' "Justice League of America", was a prequel to "Batman Beyond" and a sequel to "Batman: The Animated Series", "Superman: The Animated Series" and "The New Batman Adventures".
"Justice League Unlimited" (2004), featuring a gaggle of superheroes from the DC Comics universe...
...including Steve Ditko's 'Question' and 'The Huntress', was specifically based on the 'Justice League' superhero team.
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