Thursday, July 21, 2022

"Isom" from RippaVerse

"Isom" #1 from newly minted Rippaverse Comics is available August 2022, written by Eric July with pencil and ink by Cliff Richards and color work by Gabe Eltaeb:

"...'Avery Silman' was once an entry-level hero known as 'Isom' in the city of Florespark, Texas shortly after gaining his special abilities. A certain event had him hang up his suit, and now he stays on the outskirts of the city, living as a rancher. Avery’s sister, 'Altona', gives him a call and wants him to visit an old friend by the name of 'Darren Fontaino'. 

"Another family friend that was interning with Altona has gone missing and she last heard that she was dealing with Darren. But Darren has much changed since he was hanging out with Avery when they were young. He’s a cold-blooded shot-caller and one of the most feared men in the city. This visit turns into one of the longest days in Avery’s life.

"Around these parts, people call special beings 'Excepts'. And unfortunately for Avery, he has the luxury of running into some of them. The 'Alphacore' and 'Yaira' have their own set of conflicts. A man built like a tank by the name of 'Santwan' reappears and he’s had previous confrontation with Avery. So what happens with Avery and Darren’s meeting? Who and where is the family friend?..."

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