The mystery thriller "Death on the Nile", directed by Kenneth Branagh and executive produced by Ridley Scott, based on the 1937 novel by Agatha Christie, stars Branagh as detective 'Hercule Poirot, co-starring Gal Gadot, Tom Bateman, Annette Bening, Russell Brand, Ali Fazal, Dawn French, Rose Leslie, Emma Mackey, Sophie Okonedo, Jennifer Saunders and Letitia Wright, opening theatrically February 11, 2022:
"...the peace and tranquility temporarily present on the 'S.S. Karnak' is destroyed...
"...after a passenger is found dead.
"Now Belgian detective 'Poirot' is entrusted with the important task...
"...of identifying which one of the passengers is the killer..."
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