"Big Nate" is the upcoming CG-animated TV series based on the comic strip/book series of by Lincoln Peirce, starring Ben Giroux, Dove Cameron, Rob Delaney, Arnie Pantoja, Charlie Schlatter, Kevin Michael Richardson, Carolyn Hennesy, Daniel MK Cohen and Bryce Charles, streaming February 17, 2022 on Paramount +:
"...'Big Nate' follows 'Nate Wright', a 'spirited', rebellious student, and his two best friends, 'Francis' and 'Teddy', who occasionally get in trouble with him.
"Nate has problems with teacher 'Mrs. Godfrey', 'Artur', a foreign exchange student who is the boyfriend of 'Jenny' and 'Gina', a 'teacher’s pet'. Nate's troubles stem from his relationship with his single father, 'Martin' and sister 'Ellen'..."
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