Monday, August 17, 2020

"DC Universe" Migrating To "HBO Max"

DC publisher Jim Lee, in the midst of widespread senior layoffs at DC Comics, confirmed that "DC Universe" original live-action TV series, including "Titans" will migrate over to HBO Max:

"The original content that is on 'DCU' is migrating to 'HBO Max'," said Lee. 

"Truthfully, that's the best platform for that content.

"The amount of content you get, not just DC , but generally from WarnerMedia, is huge...

"...and it's the best value proposition, if I'm allowed to use that marketing term. We feel that is the place for that."

As for DC Comics, Lee said WarnerMedia dropped "...the bottom 20 percent, 25 percent of the line that was losing money...

"...more punch for the pound, so to speak...

"...and increasing the margins of the books that we are doing..."

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