"BoJack Horseman" the animated 'tragicomedy' TV series starring Will Arnett, Alison Brie and Aaron Paul, will stream Part 2 of the sixth and final season, January 31, 2020 on Netflix:
"...set in an alternate 'Hollywood', where humans and anthropomorphic animals live side by side, 'BoJack Horseman', former star of the 1990's sitcom 'Horsin' Around', plans his big return to celebrity relevance with a tell-all autobiography written by his ghostwriter 'Diane Nguyen'.
"BoJack also has to contend with the demands of his agent and on-again-off-again girlfriend 'Princess Carolyn', the misguided antics of his freeloading roommate 'Todd Chavez' and his friend and rival 'Mr. Peanutbutter', a yellow 'Labrador Retriever'..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "BoJack Horseman"....