Saturday, November 09, 2019

"Sheena, Queen Of The Jungle"

Thanks to the success of "Wonder Woman" on the big screen, Millennium Films continues to develop another live-action reboot of "Sheena Queen Of The Jungle", noted as the first female character to receive her own comic book title in 1938, although these days the concept of a gorgeous blonde frolicking among black natives could be problematic for some audiences:

"Sheena is the young daughter of African explorer Cardwell Rivington'. On a safari with his daughter, Cardwell dies from drinking a magic potion made by the witch doctor 'Koba'.

"Koba the raises the young girl as his daughter, teaching her 'the ways of the jungle' . 

"The adult Sheena, dancing to the beat of a different drummer, eventually earns the title "Queen of the Jungle"...

"...and acquires a monkey sidekick named 'Chim'..."

Sheena has been previously depicted on screen by actress Irish McCalla in a TV series (1955)...

...Tanya Roberts in a feature (1984)...

...and Gena Lee Nolin in a TV reboot (2000).

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