"His Dark Materials" is the new Brit-produced adventure TV series, directed by Otto Bathurst, starring Dafne Keen ("Logan") based on the 'Victoriana' fantasy novels by author Philip Pullman, produced by New Line Cinema and Bad Wolf for BBC One/HBO, debuting Season One November 4, 2019 on HBO:
"...'His Dark Materials' is set in an alternative world where all humans have animal companions called 'dæmons', which are the manifestation of the human soul. The series follows the life of young 'Lyra' (Dafne Keen) who is an orphan living with the scholars at 'Jordan College', Oxford.
"Lyra discovers a dangerous secret that involves 'Lord Asriel' (James McAvoy) and 'Marisa Coulter' (Ruth Wilson). In her search for her missing friend, Lyra also uncovers a slew of kidnappings and its link to a mysterious substance called 'Dust'..."
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