Saturday, June 01, 2019

"Apocalypse Now: Final Cut" - 4K Restoration

Take a look at a new trailer supporting the 40th Anniversary (1979) of director Francis Ford Coppola's 4K restored Vietnam War epic, "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut", screening in select theaters August 13, 2019:

"...Francis Ford Coppola's stunning vision of 'The Heart of Darkness' remains a classic and compelling Vietnam War epic, starring Martin Sheen as 'Army Captain Willard'...

"...a troubled man sent on a dangerous and mesmerizing odyssey into Cambodia with a small crew...

" assassinate a renegade Army colonel named 'Kurtz' (Marlon Brando)...

"...who has succumbed to the horrors of war and barricaded himself in a remote outpost..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Apocalypse Now: Final Cut" ...