Friday, July 13, 2018

Margot Robbie: "Mary Queen Of Scots"

Sneak Peek the first footage of Margot Robbie ("Suicide Squad") as 'Mary Stuart' and Saoirse Ronan as 'Queen Elizabeth I', from director Josie Rourke's 16th Century historical feature "Mary Queen of Scots", based on John Guy's biography "My Heart Is My Own: The Life of Mary Queen of Scots", opening December 7, 2018:

"...the life of 'Mary Stuart' is one of drama and conflict.

"From the plots laid by Scottish lords...

" wrest power for themselves...

" the efforts made by the ministers of 'Elizabeth I'...

" invalidate Mary's claim to the English throne...

"...this new film disproves the myths...

"...that surround this most fascinating monarch..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Mary Queen Of Scots"...