The Amazon Prime streaming service confirmed a number of 'genre' drama series in development, including Larry Niven's award-winning science fiction novel, "Ringworld" (1970), plus 4 sequels and 4 prequels, set in Niven's 'Known Space' universe:
" 2850 AD on Earth. 'Louis Gridley Wu' is celebrating his 200th birthday. Despite his age, Louis is in perfect physical condition, due to the longevity drug 'boosterspice'.
"But he has, once again, become bored with human society and is thinking about taking one of his periodic sabbaticals, alone in a spaceship far away from other people.
"Louis is recruited by a two-headed alien named 'Nessus' to join him, a catlike warrior alien named 'Speaker' and the ' human 'Teela Brown' to explore an alien artifact.
"They find a 'Ringworld', a ribbon millions of miles long built around a distant sun..."
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