Take a look @ Marvel Comics' "Spider-Man" #5, showcasing the female vigilante anti-hero 'Black Cat', available June 29, 2016, written by Brian Michael Bendis and illustrated by Sara Pichelli, with covers by Pichelli:
"...'Black Cat' makes her move against 'Spider-Man'..."
'The Black Cat' aka 'Felicia Hardy', was created by writer Marv Wolfman and illustrator Keith Pollard, debuting in Marvel Comics' "The Amazing Spider-Man" #194 (July 1979).
Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a world-renowned cat burglar. After suffering a traumatic event as a college freshman, she trained herself in various fighting styles and acrobatics and, after deciding to follow in her father's footsteps, adopted her costumed identity as the 'Black Cat'.
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