Tuesday, February 23, 2016
"Supergirl: World's Finest" - Leaked Set Images
Take a look @ newly leaked set images from the currently shooting "Supergirl" episode "World's Finest", starring Melissa Benoist, in a crossover with "The Flash" (Grant Gustin), featuring DC Comics' 'Silver Banshee', airing March 28, 2016 on CBS:
The CBS "Supergirl" TV series was developed by Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg, based on the DC Comics character 'Supergirl' aka 'Kara Zor-El', created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino.
The character is costumed superheroine who is the biological cousin to 'Superman' and one of the last surviving 'Kryptonians'.
"...'Kara Zor-El' (Benoist) was sent to Earth from the doomed planet 'Krypton' as a 12-year-old by her parents 'Zor-El' (Robert Gant) and 'Alura Zor-El' (Laura Benanti).
"En route to Earth, Kara's spacecraft was diverted by a shock wave from Krypton's explosion and forced into the 'Phantom Zone', where it stayed for 24 years. By the time the spacecraft crash landed on Earth, 'Superman' helped her out of the craft, taking her to be adopted by his friends, the 'Danvers' family.
"The series begins years later when Kara is 24, and learning to embrace her powers after previously hiding them.
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