Take a look @ more footage from "Marvel's Agent Carter" and the 2- hour episode "Edge of Mystery", followed by "A Little Song and Dance", airing February 23, 2016 on ABC:
"...'Peggy' and 'Sousa' propose a trade with 'Whitney Frost', while the 'SSR' gets help from 'Howard Stark' regarding the key to eliminating 'Zero Matter'..."
"Marvel's Agent Carter" stars Hayley Atwell as 'Carter', Chad Michael Murray as 'Agent Jack Thompson', Enver Gjokaj as 'Chief Daniel Sousa', Dominic Cooper as 'Howard Stark', Bridget Regan as 'Dottie Underwood', Wynn Everett as 'Whitney Frost', Reggie Austin as 'Dr. Jason Wilkes', Currie Graham as 'Calvin Chadwick', Lotte Verbeek as 'Ana Jarvis', Lesley Boone as 'Rose', Ken Marino as 'Joseph Manfredi' and Kurtwood Smith as 'Vernon Masters'.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Marvel's Agent Carter: Edge Of Mystery"...