Sneak Peek the Marvel Comics' origin of 'The Purple Man', on the news that the character, to be played by actor David Tennant, will be the main bad guy in the new Marvel/Netflix live-action TV series, "A.K.A. Jessica Jones", starring Krysten Ritter ("Breaking Bad"):
'The Purple Man' debuted in Marvel's "Daredevil" vol. 1 #4 (October 1964), only to re-emerge as an enemy of 'Jessica Jones' and her husband 'Luke Cage', with his body producing pheromones allowing him to control the actions of others.
"...'Dr. Zebediah Killgrave' was born in Rijeka, Yugoslavia. As a physician turned international spy, he was sent to infiltrate a chemical refinery.
"During the mission, he was accidentally doused with a chemical that turned his hair and skin purple. Caught outright and questioned, Killgrave offered a weak, inadequate alibi to his captors.
"Much to his surprise, he was believed and released. Several more incidents of this nature demonstrated that the nerve gas had given Killgrave the superhuman ability to command the wills of other people.
"Calling himself the Purple Man, Killgrave embarked on a criminal career..."
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