Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"K2: Siren Of The Himalayas"

From First Run Features, Sneak Peek awe-inspiring footage from director Dave Ohlson's 2012 documentary feature "K2: Siren of the Himalayas", now available on DVD, showcasing "...the adventure, peril, teamwork and serenity of a mountaineering group’s attempt to summit the world’s most challenging peak..."

Filmed in Pakistan, summer 2009, the doc follows world-class alpinists Fabrizio Zangrilli and Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner with veteran climbers Jake Meyer and Chris Szymiec in a breathtaking glimpse into the world of high altitude mountaineering.

"...on the 100-year anniversary of the Duke of Abruzzi' landmark K2 expedition in 1909, "Siren Of The Himalayas"...

"...examines the history and geography of the Karakoram mountains while contemplating the risks...

"...rewards and personal nature of exploration in an age when there are few blank spots left on the map..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "K2: Siren Of The Himalayas"...