Friday, January 24, 2014

"Donnie Brasco" Director Roots For "The Day Of The Triffids"

According to reports, Mike Newell ("Donnie Brasco") will direct a new feature based on the science-fiction classic "The Day Of The Triffids" by author John Wyndham:

The original 1951 post-apocalyptic novel about a plague of blindness which befalls the entire world, allowing the rise of an aggressive species of plant, has been previously adapted into a 1962 feature, three radio drama series in 1957, 1968 and 2008, and two TV series in 1981 and 2009.

"...'Bill Masen' is a biologist who has made his living working with 'triffids' – tall plants capable of aggressive and seemingly intelligent behaviour. 

"They are able to move about by 'walking' on their roots, appear to communicate with each other, and possess a deadly whip-like poisonous sting that enables them to kill their victims and feed on their bodies.

"Masen developed a theory that the triffids were bio-engineered in the USSR and then accidentally released into the wild when a plane smuggling their seeds was shot down. 

"Triffids begin sprouting all over the world, and their extracts prove to be superior to existing fish or vegetable oils. The result is worldwide cultivation of triffids.

"The narrative begins with Masen in hospital, his eyes bandaged after having been splashed with droplets of triffid poison in an accident. 

"During his convalescence he is told of the unexpected and beautiful green meteor shower that the entire world is watching. He awakes the next morning to a silent hospital and learns that the light from the unusual display has rendered any who watched it completely blind..."

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