"...In this bizarro alternate cartoon world, Schwarzenegger leaves the office of governor of California to become a super-suited crime fighter who battles an evil syndicate nicknamed 'G.I.R.L.I.E. Men', alongside a 13-year-old computer whiz sidekick.."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
"The Governator": Schwarzenegger Fights The 'G.I.R.L.I.E. Men'
According to Entertainment Weekly magazine, former California governor/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger will hook up with "Spider-Man" creator Stan Lee to launch a television cartoon/comic book series, titled "The Governator".
"...In this bizarro alternate cartoon world, Schwarzenegger leaves the office of governor of California to become a super-suited crime fighter who battles an evil syndicate nicknamed 'G.I.R.L.I.E. Men', alongside a 13-year-old computer whiz sidekick.."
"...In this bizarro alternate cartoon world, Schwarzenegger leaves the office of governor of California to become a super-suited crime fighter who battles an evil syndicate nicknamed 'G.I.R.L.I.E. Men', alongside a 13-year-old computer whiz sidekick.."