Monday, December 06, 2010

BC Screen-Based Media Sector Drafts 'Human Resource Strategy'

According to British Columbia Film, representatives from the screen-based media industry in BC, comprising the Film, TV, Animation, Visual Effects and Video Games sectors – have drafted a multi-year 'Human Resource Strategy' that will be used to consult with industry stakeholders.

"...The aim of the strategy is to ensure that BC has a workforce today and in the future that is highly skilled in creating world class entertainment on the global stage..."

"We need the views and support of our industry colleagues to ensure the strategy is sound, and will meet the needs of industry" said Howard Donaldson, Vice-President, Studio Operations for Disney Interactive Games Studios Canada. "Consulting with the broader industry is a very important step in our initiative."

"Amazingly talented, creative people continue to make British Columbia’s screen-based media internationally successful,” said Hon. Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. “BC’s entertainment industry generates expenditures of more than $2 billion annually in our economy and employs 21,000 people. By 2012 the industry will need 3,000 to 4,000 new employees so it’s important we work together through these kinds of partnerships to keep the industry thriving to provide jobs for British Columbians."

"A key strength for companies doing business in BC is the depth and creativity of our talent in all three sectors" said Richard Brownsey, President and Chief Executive Officer of BC Film. "In the face of upcoming skill shortages as baby boomers leave the workforce, and with the pace of technological change, to remain competitive we must be able to attract, develop and retain talent for our industry."

In 2011, the Committee will consult with industry stakeholders on the HR Strategy which includes a number of short-term actions believed to be critical to address within the next 1-2 years. A series of roundtable meetings will be held in order to obtain feedback and to seek broader industry endorsement and involvement.

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