Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pam Helps Hef With Playboy Cover Shot

Canadian celebrity, actress Pamela Anderson will again be featured on the cover of "Playboy" Magazine, for their January 2011 edition, to help boost sales of the struggling glossy.

Anderson will 'channel' the 1960 feature "La Dolce Vita", by recreating actress Anita Ekberg's splash in Italy’s Trevi Fountain.

"Pamela Anderson is in the Playboy Mansion swimming pool, posing for the January cover in a tribute to 'La Dolce Vita'," confirmed Playboy founder Hugh M. Hefner.

Anderson did not accept any money for the shoot, requesting that Playboy donate her fee directly to "Waves 4 Water", a charity that distributes water filters to people who don’t have access to clean drinking water.

"'Waves 4 Water" are my heroes," Anderson said. "They get things done and yes, 'Playboy' wrote them a check when I shot the cover."

Anderson's first Playboy cover was in 1989.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "La Dolce Vita"...