Friday, November 19, 2010

Hayden 5 and Bluewater Team For "Mark Zuckerberg: Creator Of Facebook"

Hayden 5 Media and Bluewater Productions report they will team up to create the animated film "Mark Zuckerberg And The Found" based off the upcoming comic book "Mark Zuckerburg: Creator of Facebook".

"When we found out that Bluewater was releasing this comic, we knew we had to get on board," said Todd Wiseman, President of Hayden 5 Media. "We saw a great opportunity to re-tell the story of Mark Zuckerburg post 'Social Network' in a brighter, animated form that could be enjoyed and understood by a broader audience."

Similar to the technique used in the film "A Scanner Darkly", producers say their "Mark Zuckerburg" production will incorporate live action filmmaking with interpolated rotoscope.

"...The result will be a cross between real characters and animated surroundings seamlessly integrated for a unique, comic book aesthetic..."

Written by Jerome Maida and illustrated by Fritz Saalfeld, the Bluewater comic book describes the driving force behind 'Facebook', as Mark Zuckerberg becomes the youngest billionaire in history.

"...As this comic reveals, the road to success for both his creation and him personally was not preordained nor was it always a smooth ride. He would be tempted with unimaginable amounts of money and have to deal harshly with people along the way - many of whom would later feel betrayed. Read how a young man's frustration with women helped spark an idea that would have him dating 'Victoria's Secret' models and how a socially inept young man wound up creating a company that has revolutionized the way hundreds of millions of people all over the globe socialize with each other..."

Bluewater's "Mark Zuckerberg: Creator Of Facebook", will be available December 2011.

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