The film follows a 'criminal family', set in Melbourne's underworld, inspired by the real life events of the Melbourne 'Walsh Street' police shootings in 1988.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Animal Kingdom": A Crime Story - August 13
"Animal Kingdom" is the 2010 Australian crime thriller written/directed by David Michôd, starring Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton, Guy Pearce, Luke Ford, Sullivan Stapleton, Jacki Weaver and James Frecheville.
The film follows a 'criminal family', set in Melbourne's underworld, inspired by the real life events of the Melbourne 'Walsh Street' police shootings in 1988.Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Animal Kingdom"...
The film follows a 'criminal family', set in Melbourne's underworld, inspired by the real life events of the Melbourne 'Walsh Street' police shootings in 1988.