"Inception", the new science fiction film written, produced and directed by Christopher "The Dark Knight" Nolan, is scheduled for release in IMAX, July 16, 2010.
The thriller stars Leonardo DiCaprio as 'Cobb', described as a CEO-type, Ken Watanabe as 'Saito', the villain who blackmails Cobb, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as 'Arthur', an associate to Cobb, Marion Cotillard as 'Lisa', Cobb's wife, Canadian Ellen "Juno" Page as 'Ariadne', a college grad student and Cobb's sidekick, Tom Hardy as 'Eames', a member of Cobb's team, Cillian Murphy as 'Fischer', Tom Berenger as 'Browning' and Michael Caine as a science professor.
Warners purchased the "Inception", spec script by Nolan February 2009, with production starting in the summer. Locations include Los Angeles, London, Paris, Tangier and Calgary, Alberta.
Sneak Peek "Inception"...