Created in 1941 by artist Jack "King" Kirby and writer Joe Simon for Timely Comics, 'Captain America' is the heroic alter ego of 'Steve Rogers', rejected by the WW II-era US Army for being too sickly, only to volunteer for a steroidal experiment that turns him into a star-spangled beefcake super-hero.
Paired with an indestructible red white and blue shield, Cap becomes a patriotic symbol of the Allies' war effort, fighting his arch-nemesis, the Third Reich's homicidal 'Red Skull'.
Marvel Studios' upcoming self-financed slate of comic book-to-films including "Thor" and "Iron Man 2" will build towards an "Avengers" movie in 2011, featuring Marvel's most popular costumed super-heroes, including Cap, lost at sea during the war, frozen in a block of ice, then thawed out just in time to join the team in the modern era.
"First Avenger: Captain America" is targeting a theatrical release May 6, 2011.
Sneak Peek "Captain America"...