Dark Castle Entertainment's upcoming action adventure "The Losers", is based on the DC Comics series published under the Vertigo imprint, written by Andy Diggle and illustrated by Jock. The comic book ran for 32 issues August 2003 to March 2006, loosely based on the original "Losers" DC Comics series, featuring a group of World War II soldiers.
Directed by Sylvain "Stomp The Yard" White, "The Losers" cast stars Jeffrey Dean "Watchmen" Morgan and Zoe "Star Trek" Saldana, following a 'Special Forces' team, betrayed by their 'handler' and left for dead following the conclusion of a secret operation. Eager for revenge and to remove their names from a covert hit list, "The Losers" regroup to conduct their own clandestine work.
"...An explosive tale of double cross and revenge, 'The Losers' centers upon the members of an elite U.S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team—'Clay' (Morgan), 'Jensen' (Evans), 'Roque' (Elba), ''Pooch (Short) and 'Cougar' (Jaenada) —find themselves the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as 'Max' (Patric).
Presumed dead, the group makes plans to even the score when they’re joined by the mysterious 'Aisha' (Saldana), a beautiful operative with her own agenda.
Working together, they must remain deep undercover while tracking the heavily-guarded Max, a ruthless man bent on embroiling the world in a new high-tech global war..."
The screenplay was written by Peter Berg/James Vanderbilt for producer Joel "Lethal Weapon" Silver, aiming for an April 9, 2010 release from Warner Bros. Pictures...
Directed by Sylvain "Stomp The Yard" White, "The Losers" cast stars Jeffrey Dean "Watchmen" Morgan and Zoe "Star Trek" Saldana, following a 'Special Forces' team, betrayed by their 'handler' and left for dead following the conclusion of a secret operation. Eager for revenge and to remove their names from a covert hit list, "The Losers" regroup to conduct their own clandestine work.
"...An explosive tale of double cross and revenge, 'The Losers' centers upon the members of an elite U.S. Special Forces unit sent into the Bolivian jungle on a search and destroy mission. The team—'Clay' (Morgan), 'Jensen' (Evans), 'Roque' (Elba), ''Pooch (Short) and 'Cougar' (Jaenada) —find themselves the target of a lethal betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as 'Max' (Patric).
Presumed dead, the group makes plans to even the score when they’re joined by the mysterious 'Aisha' (Saldana), a beautiful operative with her own agenda.
Working together, they must remain deep undercover while tracking the heavily-guarded Max, a ruthless man bent on embroiling the world in a new high-tech global war..."
The screenplay was written by Peter Berg/James Vanderbilt for producer Joel "Lethal Weapon" Silver, aiming for an April 9, 2010 release from Warner Bros. Pictures...