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"Angora Napkin", a 2008 graphic novel by Canadian Troy Little is being adapted into a TV series pilot, produced by Charlottetown, P.E.I. production company Mugisha Enterprises.
"We were given an unprecedented amount of creative freedom bringing this show to life," said Little.
"I think fans of the graphic novel will find nothing has been watered down. All the sex, violence and innuendo are firmly in place.
The pilot focuses on the 'bubble-gum pop' music trio, 'Angora Napkin', whose members, 'Beatrice', 'Molly' and 'Mallory' get themselves deep into all sorts of trouble, including running into 'zombies' and other creatures of the 'macabre'.
"Angora Napkin" will be available for streaming Oct. 30 to Nov. 5 on the Teletoon web site, targeting adults 18-34.
"'Angora Napkin' is a quirky show like nothing else out there," said Little. "I hope it resonates with both comic and animation fans."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek the original opening for "Angora Napkin"...