"Tekken 6" is the latest installment of Namco Bandai's "Tekken" video game series, available October 27.
Both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game will include an online versus multiplayer mode for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live.
"...Following his victory in the previous tournament, 'Jin Kazama' has taken charge of the 'Mishima Zaibatsu' and now possesses tyrannical ambitions. Using his resources within the organization to become a global superpower, he severs the Mishima Zaibatsu's national ties and openly declares war against all nations. This action plunges the world into a chaotic spiral, with war erupting around the globe and even amidst the space colonies orbiting the planet.
Jin's biological father, 'Kazuya Mishima', is aware of this and finds Jin's interference in his own plans for global domination to be a nuisance. Now in charge of 'G Corporation', Kazuya is seen as the only force who could oppose Jin and places a bounty on Jin's head for anyone who can capture him..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek a new clip from "Tekken 6"...