"...In the present day, immortal 1,000-year-old 'Doctor Parnassus' (Christopher Plummer) leads a traveling theatre troupe—including a sleight of hand expert, 'Anton' (Andrew Garfield) and a dwarf, 'Percy' (Verne Troyer)—that offers audience members a chance to go beyond reality through a magical mirror in his possession.
"Parnassus had been able to guide the imagination of others through a deal with the 'Devil' (Tom Waits), who now comes to collect on the arrangement, targeting the doctor's daughter (Lily Cole).
The troupe, which is joined by a mysterious outsider named 'Tony' (Heath Ledger, Jude Law, and Colin Farrell), embark through parallel worlds to rescue the girl..."
Sneak Peek the "The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus"...