Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mann Targets "Public Enemies"

"Public Enemies" is an adaptation of author Bryan Burrough's New York Times best-seller "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-43:

Directed by Michael "Miami Vice" Mann, this latest thriller follows the US government's attempts to catch gangster 'John "Snake Eyes" Dillinger' (Johnny Depp) by FBI agent 'Melvin Purvis' (Christian Bale).

The real Dillinger was a 1930's Depression-era bank robber nicknamed 'Jackrabbit' for his habit of leaping over bank counters and an uncanny ability to elude police dragnets. He died at the age of 31 in a hail of street gunfire, after attending the film "Manhattan Meolodrama" at Chicago's Biograph Theater, tipped off to the FBI and agent Purvis by girlfriend 'Anna Sage', a brothel madam from Gary, Indiana facing deportation back to her homeland of Romania by the US Department of Labor.
Exiting the theatre with Dillinger, Sage identified herself to Purvis, by wearing a brightly coloured dress, aka "The Lady in Red".

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