Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Mandalay Aims For Liquid's "Ramayan"...

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Mandalay Pictures has picked up film rights to the Liquid Comics' 2006 graphic novel "Ramayan 3392 AD" for producer Mark Canton.

Liquid, a spin-off from Richard Branson's Virgin Comics are packaging the company's library of graphic novels as film, TV and game properties.

Sony Online Entertainment optioned "Ramayan" in 2007 to develop the game into a multiplayer online role-playing title.

John "Happy Feet" Collee is adapting the story, based on the adventures of blue-skinned warrior 'Prince Rama', who tries to rescue his wife from a demon king.

Mandalay's Canton will produce "Ramayan" alongside executive producers Gotham Chopra and Sharad Devarajan for Atmosphere Entertainment...