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"The Witches of Eastwick", the 1987 supernatural feature, directed by George "Mad Max" Miller, will be adapted into a TV pilot for ABC, written by Maggie "Dawson's Creek" Friedman.
The original film, based on author John Updike's novel, focuses on three women who turn to witchcraft after losing the men in their lives, conjuring up a 'horny little devil', played by actor Jack Nicholson. The film grossed $64 million.
"The Witches of Eastwick" was also adapted into a musical, first in the UK by Cameron Mackintosh, and last year in the US at the Signature Theater, Arlington, Va. Lyrics and book were adapted by John Dempsey, with music by Dana Rowe.
Friedman previously developed the pilot "Spellbound," about a life coach who was also a witch, for the CW and Warner Bros. TV in 2007...