Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sean Bean Is Looking "Sharpe"...

Actor Sean Bean returns to television in "Sharpe's Peril", a new film set in 19th century India, written by Russell "Inspector Morse" Lewis.

Bean is joined again by castmate Daragh "Walking The Dead" O'Malley as best friend 'Rifleman Sgt Patrick Harper'.

"I am looking forward to the prospect of returning to India to film "Sharpe's Peril"," said Bean.

"Russell Lewis has created a fascinating tale of conflict and pathos, with the panoramic backdrop of this intriguing land as our canvas."

The TV movies debuted with "Sharpe's Rifles", based on author Bernard Cornwell's novel in 1993, starring Bean, O'Malley and Assumpta Serna. Premise followed 'Richard Sharpe', an ambitious soldier from Yorkshire as he leads a band of soldiers through Spain after surviving an ambush by French cavalry of the 95th Rifles.

"Sharpe's Peril" is a continuation of the storyline of the top-rated 2006 TV movie "Sharpe's Challenge".

"Sharpe's Peril" is a Celtic Films Entertainment/Picture Palace Films production for the UK's ITV1.