Wednesday, January 22, 2025

“Left At Wall” Digital

“Left at Wall” is a new live-action comedy feature, written and directed by Ron Placone,  starring Gareth Reynolds, Kimberly Hill, Sara Kay Godot, Sally Mullins, Eddie Pepitone, Graham Elwood, Dave Anthony and Sage Francis, available January 24, 2025 to purchase and rent on North American digital HD internet, cable, and satellite platforms:

“…’Left at Wall’ tells the story of a ‘short sell’ attempt leading to the ultimate sibling feud.

“‘John Saber’ is a struggling Hollywood writer in constant ‘competition with his ‘Wall Street’ investor brother, ‘Don’. 

“After learning about Don’s latest short sell scheme, John launches an online effort to thwart his brother and fight back against the Wall Street machine…”

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