“…Netflix, Amazon and Paramount screened the movie, with Paramount proposing a theatrical release. But Warner Bros.was looking at a $40 million tax write-down and wanted $80 million from buyers, ‘take it or leave it’.
“Based on a 1990 article in the ‘New Yorker’ magazine, by Ian Frazier the movie would follow a new tax plan, previously used in the elimination of the ‘woke’ $90 million feature “Batgirl”.
“Despite the time, effort and dedication of hundreds of people involved in the making of a film, getting rid of a wholly finished movie had become an acceptable means of dealing with a problem…
“…with the studio insisting on a price tag that would cover ‘negative cost plus’, or what the movie cost the studio and ‘additional fees’ incurred.
"For three years, I was lucky enough to make a movie about 'Wile E. Coyote', the most persistent, passionate, and resilient character of all time," said the film's director Dave Green.
"I was surrounded by a brilliant team, who poured their souls into this project for years. We were all determined to honor the legacies of these historic characters and actually get them right.
"Along the ride, we were embraced by test audiences who rewarded us with fantastic scores. I am beyond proud of the final product, and beyond devastated by WB’s decision.
"But in the spirit of Wile E. Coyote…
“…resilience and persistence win the day..."
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