Saturday, December 21, 2024


“Bandidos”, the live-action Mexican-produced ‘heist’ drama TV seties, directed by Adrian Grünberg and Javier Ruiz Caldera, starring Alfonso Dosal, Ester Expósito and Juan Pablo Medina, streams Season 2, January 3, 2025 on Netflix:

“…a group of ‘skilled’ misfits attempt to find a hidden ‘Mayan’ treasure,  including con artist ‘Miguel’ who recruits his gang to find the ‘Snake King’ treasure in the ‘Maya Riviera’. 

“Other gang characters include Lilí, the scammer,  ‘Wilson’, the counterfeiter…

“…Miguel's hacker uncle ‘Lucas’,  ‘Octavio’, former cop and mercenary and  ‘Citlalí’, the pickpocket…”

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