“Miss Fallaci” is the new Italian-produced live-action drama series, directed by Luca Ribuoli, Giacomo Martelli and Alessandra Gonnella, starring Miriam Leone, Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson, Gina Bramhill, Debi Mazar, Francesco Colella, Francesca Agostini, Maurizio Lastrico, Daisy Jelley, Isabella Tabarini and Axel Gallois, now streaming on Paramount+:
“…during the late 1950’s , ‘Oriana Fallaci’, was known as ‘the girl from the movies’ and worked as a reporter for the Italian weekly magazine ‘L’Europeo’.
“It was during this time that Fallaci turned her first trip to the US into a unique opportunity….
“…meeting extraordinary figures while painting a sharp, often raw and ironic, portrait of current culture…
“…and the reality behind the glamorous façade of Hollywood…”
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