The new Scandinavian produced live-action comedy feature “Heavier Trip”, a sequel to “Heavy Trip” (2018), directed by Juuso Laatio and Jukka Vidgren, stars Johannes Holopainen, Max Ovaska, Chike Ohanwe, Samuli Jaskio, Martti Syrjä, David Bredin, Anatole Taubman, Mats Eldøen, Helén Vikstvedt and Sinikka Mokkila, now playing in theaters:
“…’Impaled Rektum’ must escape prison when the guitarist's father falls ill and their family home faces demolition. Shackled by fate and locked up in a Norwegian prison, the band discovers their lead guitarist’s family faces financial troubles.
“They receive an offer to play a major heavy metal festival - ‘Wacken Open Air Festival’ in Germany - but decline due to being imprisoned and unprepared.
“Only the raw power of metal can determine their fate! Prepare for a relentless odyssey of sound and fury…”
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