“From”, the live-action science fiction horror TV series created by John Griffin, starring Harold Perrineau, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Eion Bailey, David Alpay, Elizabeth Saunders, Scott McCord and Ricky He, has been renewed for a 10-episode Season 4 streaming on MGM+:
“…the series is set in a nightmarish town that ‘traps’ those who enter. The unwilling residents strive to stay alive while plagued by terrifying nocturnal creatures from the surrounding forest…
“…as they search for secrets hidden within the town and beyond in the hope of finding a way out.
“‘Boyd Stevens’ (Perrineau), the self-appointed sheriff and de-facto mayor, and the ‘Matthews’ family, soon discover they are trapped along with the other existing residents, and must work together to stay alive and find a way to escape…”
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