“Better Man” is a new live-action feature, directed by Michael Gracey, showcasing the life of Brit popstar Robbie Williams, played by a self-deprecating CG, photo-realistic monkey, with Damon Herriman, Raechelle Banno, Alison Steadman, Kate Mulvaney, Frazer Hadfield, Tom Budge and Anthony Hayes, releasing December 25, 2024 in theaters:
“…’Better Man’ is based on the true story of the meteoric rise, dramatic fall, and remarkable resurgence of British pop superstar Robbie Williams.
“The film is uniquely told from Williams’ perspective, capturing his signature wit and indomitable spirit.
“It follows Robbie’s journey from childhood, to being the youngest member of chart-topping boyband ‘Take That’, through to his unparalleled achievements as a record-breaking solo artist…
“…all the while confronting the challenges that stratospheric fame and success can bring…”
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