“Interior Chinatown” is a new live-action drama TV series based on the 2020 novel by Charles Yu, starring Jimmy O. Yang as ‘Willis Wu’, Chloe Bennet as ‘Detective Lana Lee’, Ronny Chieng as ‘Fatty Choi’, Sullivan Jones as ‘Miles Turner’, Lisa Gilroy as ‘Sarah Green’, Diana Lin as ‘Lily Wu’ and Archie Kao as ‘Uncle Wong’, streaming all 10 episodes, November 19, 2024 on Hulu:
“…background performer ‘Willis Wu’ waits on tables and occasionally works on the police procedural TV series “Black & White” as an on-camera extra.
‘But his life soon takes a turn, when he becomes witness to a crime.
“A female detective then enlists him in an investigation into a missing woman, mysterious incidents and criminal activities, while he re-discovers his own family’s buried history…”
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